Thursday, November 6, 2008

We are not subjects, we are citizens.

I heard this on PBS yesterday and it moved me profoundly. The government doesn't tell us what to do, we tell the government what to do.
I deplore nationalism, but I love this country because this presidential election has exemplified the expression (pressing out)of the will of the individual manifesting into the body of the collective. I told my friend Jim that I wanted to see justice done, but upon reflection, I changed that statement. What I really meant to say was that I wanted to see equal opportunity for people who, I believe really are "created equal", like it says in our Declaration of Independence.
I guess I did get to see a little bit of justice done yesterday while I watched FOX NEWS. Smith, one of the anchors on that station made some statement, then allowed his voice to trail feebly off with the words "...nothing means anything..." Those who have been holding on to the idea that only certain especially equipped and ordained people should hold the reigns of power, are reeling today.
I believe that nurture plays the greatests role in character, but that there are tendencies that can be fostered or supressed. I had a friend with whom I sadly broke off relations after she professed that Arabs are born evil! I wonder if she is still of that opinion.
What really bothered me about the neoconservatives was that they claimed to have been Christians! Jesus would have rebuked them and driven them out of the temple. Living the real Chritian life in our present world is impossible. If one chooses to be a real Christian, it must kept a secret. One must live in the catacombs of society and try to live out the simple principles of Christianity on a minute to minute basis, "in the closet", so to speak.